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A RAD Girl Collective


Meet Coach Brian

You are probably starting to hear about Iron Will Lifestyle and wondering what we are all about and who we are. Today is about who I am and what we are going to do for you.

My name is Brian Melancon and I am a sports nutritionist out of Louisiana and half of the brain in IWL. Coach Megs is the other half and you can check out her intro blog next week.

A little bit about me: I have been coaching and personal training for over 6 years in a wide capacity. Currently my role is that of a coach and less in-person training. I own and operate  C620 Nutrition, which specializes in contest preparation for athletes and aesthetic based competitors.

I love bodybuilding, but more importantly I love fitness in every aspect. I love the science aspect of it all. While I do compete myself, I will never be a top level guy.

I’m pretty grounded and spend a large amount of my time trying to become a well-rounded member of society.

A little bit about my life outside of work: I love to read, target shoot, hunt and fish (when I have time). I study advanced nutrition and biomechanics, play with my chocolate lab named Grace and learn new things. Currently I am learning guitar and piano … because chicks dig musicians, I already have the beard and tattoo game on lock down.

Our goal for Iron Will is to take out decades of combined knowledge and bring it to the masses! Empowering you to live a life you desire and dream of. To give you tools to enhance your quality of life. To help you better understand nutrition so you can become self sufficient in lifestyle eating and not CONSTANLTY on a new diet fad. We want to teach you how to develop your personal IRON WILL – the type of will power that exceeds just the realm of the gym and goes into everyday life, making you a 24/7 VIP.

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