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A RAD Girl Collective


Transformation Story: Adam Ortman

Have you looked at some of the transformation pictures and thought, "That will never be me". Well, it most certainly can be you. Attitude leads to intention, intention with action creates momentum, and where momentum is present that consistent energy creates transformation on a large scale. We compiled transformation stories from the top success stories from the #ChasingIronWill 6 week trainer. Regular people of all fitness levels who set their mind to something and saw it through. 

The following is a Q&A with Adam Ortman. He works within the fitness industry as a District Manager for several Anytime Fitness locations in Ohio. 

What did your fitness routine look like prior to starting #ChasingIronWill

 My current fitness routine prior to CIW lacked structure to say the least. It consisted of workouts 6/days a week never up to the intensity I wanted. There was the intent to have interval training, weights, and steady state cardio, but once the workout began the motivation dropped and it became more of a slower basic resistance training workout.

What inspired you to start #ChasingIronWill

The competition is what inspired and excited me to enroll in CIW. I have always been a competitive person due to baseball and football growing up. This was an opportunity for me to compete.  The biggest fear for me was not seeing any change or results. I live and preach this every day working in the fitness industry where I help others change their lives and stay motivated. To not stay motivated and allow myself to fail was the scariest thing for me through this journey.

What was your biggest challenge within the training program?

The biggest challenge early on and throughout the journey was staying disciplined around friends and family, especially on the weekends. My friends love to have a planned "Cheat Meals" on the weekends or want to go out on the weekends so knowing that and saying no to the food or event was the hardest aspect.

What was your first victory within the training program?

Some of the early victories had to be consistency of the meals when I got home from work. When I wasn't on the CIW journey it lacked consistency and could sometimes be healthy food, just a crazy amount. Keeping the portion sizes in check and consistent helped snowball the progress and momentum moving forward.

How did the virtual #IronTribe community support your during the program?

The Iron Tribe helped me through accountability. Knowing that each day there were others challenging themselves to get better and pushing themselves forced me to challenge myself each day.

What fear did you overcome in the course of the 6 weeks?

The biggest fear I overcame was saying no to my friends and family when they wanted to go to an event, eat out, or do something that would take me further from my goals.

Would you go through another training program with Iron Will?

I would absolutely do another training program because of the competition, accountability, and the support the Iron Tribe provides! It's a group of like-minded individuals all working towards a common goal.

Final thoughts

Being in the Fitness Industry and being around this everyday I haven't done any "Challenges" or "Competitions" because I have always thought I can do it on my own. This journey has definitely helped provide a reality check to show me that no matter who the individual is, accountability and support will help reach the desired goals. We as human beings don't like to think we are failing so we think our current behavior and habits are okay, which is why there is never change. If you aren't where you want to be don't let it be acceptable and do something about it!

If you are in the Cincinnati/Dayton area and want to connect with an amazing group - check him out and his amazing staff at Anytime Fitness. You can connect with Adam directly at: