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A RAD Girl Collective


Mean What You Say

At some point or another, we have all started something and stopped. I don’t know about you, but this is a human behavior that bothers me deeply.  It bothers me because I have done it and seen the repercussions of time wasted. As a leader, it is my job to have unwavering character and moral conviction over my words. Why is this?  People are looking to me to be the example- if I start and stop personal projects at my digression, what kind of picture does that portray of me?

Would you trust someone who couldn’t keep their word to themselves? No – absolutely not. That being the case, why are you allowing that behavior in your life? You may not be at the top of the food chain in your work environment, or you may not perceive yourself as a leader, but don’t be fooled, you are a leader in some facet. There are people watching you. Sure, some are watching to see if you slip up and fall. Most are watching for inspiration of some sort.

Let’s outline areas we have compromised in the past and make a genuine effort everyday when we wake up to win that day.  All the stresses of life are a lot more manageable if you just focus on doing THIS day 100%. What could you really accomplish in your relationships, fitness, profession and spiritual growth if you did everything to the best of your ability and you started keeping your word to yourself.

I am in this with you. I am working on me too. Let’s make the rest of our life the best of our life.

Mean what you say.

Start by telling yourself that you are worth the time and effort it takes investing in your health, because you are here to be an example to somebody.

-          Coach B



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